(3 Valoraciones)

Mindfulness and Psychedelics

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Acerca de este curso

This course is an experiential and theoretical journey that aspires to create a deep synthesis between mindfulness and compassion practices and psychedelic states.

Students will gain a basic understanding of the leading mindfulness-based approaches which are being used in psychedelic research today, and potential shared mechanisms of recovery and growth which we can cultivate as individuals and as a society.

¿Qué aprenderás?

  • By Participating in this course students are expected to:
  • Gain an understanding of the practice of mindfulness and the practical pathways for the integration of mindfulness into our daily life.
  • Learn about the professional field of mindfulness-based modalities and their application to psychedelic therapy and research.
  • Develop an integrative theoretical framework through which we can discuss altered states and its role in recovery and transformation processes.
  • Undergo a meaningful group process that allows for deep experiential insight into the mechanisms of compassion and interbeing.
  • Find a deeper integration between our own practices of contemplative traditions and the use of psychedelics.

Contenido del curso

Coming home to the present: introduction to mindfulness

  • Coming home to the present: introduction to mindfulness

Going beyond: psychedelics and altered states

No mud No lotus: the transformative power of compassion

Liberating the mind: ACT with psychedelics

Effects of psychedelics and mindfulness-based practices on our perception of self and offer alternative ways to look at this multi-facets phenomenon.

Finding our song: the journey of integration

Valoraciones y reseñas de estudiantes

Total 3 Valoraciones
3 valoraciones
0 valoración
0 valoración
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0 valoración
hace 10 meses
very good overall
hace 11 meses
Aulas maravilhosas, dadas de uma forma clara e compreensível, tanto na parte teórica como prática. Sinto-me inspirada!
hace 11 meses
Excelente curso, brinda no solo teoría, sino que también la oportunidad de llevar a la práctica lo que se expone.